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2023-2024 Recruitment Timeline and Policies

2023-24 Recruitment Timeline:​
  • Unified Interview Release Date – Interview Invitation Notifications – 10/18/23, 6pm EST

  • Unified Interview Release Date – Interview Scheduling Opens – 10/19/23, 6pm EST

  • DHREM Virtual Interviews – 10/24/23 – 1/17/24

  • Final Interview Status Notifications – 12/15/23

  • DHREM Rank Order List Meeting – 1/29/24

  • DHREM Rank Order List Finalization – 1/31/23

  • National Residency Match Program (NRMP) Ranking Opens – 2/1/24

  • In-Person Second Look Opportunities – 2/1/23 – 2/28/23

    • DHREM Conference – 2/7/24

    • DHREM Conference – 2/14/24

    • DHREM Conference – 2/21/24

  • NRMP Ranking Order List Certification Deadline – 2/28/24

  • Match Status – 3/11/24

  • Match Day – 3/15/24

How will preference signaling and geographic preference be used?

DHREM is participating in preference signaling and geographic preference for the 2023-2024 application cycle but will use received signals in decision-making around interview invitations ONLY.

Additional information information:

DHREM will be complying with all of the CORD Application Process Improvement Committee (APIC) Best Practice Guidelines for the 2023-2024 Residency Application Cycle, including:

  • Virtual interviews for all applicants, including in-person rotators

  • Prominently sharing interview plans and recruitment timeline with all applicants

  • Anti-bias training for all interviewers, including residents and faculty

  • Limiting interview invitations to the number of interview slots available

  • Applicants will have at least 72 hours to respond to interview invitations

  • Interview invitation offers will be sent after 6pm EST

  • Final interview status will be released to all applicants no later than December 15th, 2023.

  • In-person second look opportunities will be available for applicants, after submission of program’s rank order list.

    • No in-person contact between program representatives (leadership, residents, faculty, coordinators) and applicants will occur prior to finalization of the rank order list (1/31/24)

Will there be Second Look events?​

Yes. Applicants are welcome to attend in-person second look events ONLY if they feel that attendance will be helpful to them in deciding about their preferences for residency training.  Due to the fact that in-person second look events will occur after DHREM’s finalization of our Rank Order List, visiting for an in-person second look event will have no impact on the applicants position on our already completed Rank Order List.  Applicants are welcome to visit during any of above listed in-person second look dates. For each of these dates, there will be an in-person Happy Hour on Tuesday evening (6-8pm), didactic conference (7:30-12:30pm), lunch with residents and faculty (12:30-1:30pm), and a hospital tour (1:30-2:00pm). Applicants are welcome to attend whatever second look events and if they are visiting, they are not required to attend any events. Additional information around in-person second looks and RSVPs will be distributed in December.

Post-interview communication

In compliance with NRMP guidelines, DHREM leadership will not contact applicants following interviews.  If applicants have questions, they may contact the program, but post-interview communication is not expected. Additionally, DHREM does not send gifts to applicants. As a county safety-net program, we prioritize our finances in the service of our patients.


Denver Health Residency in Emergency Medicine

777 Bannock Street, MC #0108

Denver, Colorado 80204


Image Attributions

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